lunes, 17 de febrero de 2014

Visita obligada (parte I) // Must-see places (part I)

En Bucarest hay infinidad de locales escondidos que merecen una visita... el problema es encontrarlos!
Así que para facilitar las cosas a los recién llegados (o simplemente a aquellos que ya estén aquí y quieran conocer más lugares...), aquí os traigo una pequeña lista de lugares que vale la pena visitar.

Iré escribiendo más posts de este estilo, ya que hay muchísimos locales en Bucarest que merecen la pena.
Si conoceís algún local más, cuéntamelo!


Carles S.


In Bucharest there are many places which worth to visit... the problem is to find them (many of them are very small and hidden in the city!)
So, to make it easy to the new expats/foreigners, here you have a small list of places that you should visit, at least once ;)

I'll write more post about places to visit in Bucharest, also, if you know some place, let me know!


Carles S.

- Ted’s Coffee
            Strada Ion Campineanu, 10 (Near metro Universitate)
Espresso: 4.5 lei
Cappuccino: 5.5 lei
Pro: The local isn’t very big, but have enough tables. Free Wi-Fi and many plugs!
Probably the best value for money coffee of the city.
Contra: No food. Closed on weekends

- Origo
            Strada Lipscani, 9
Cappuccino: 9 lei
Pro: Many varieties of coffee. Free water. Free Wi-Fi.
Contra: Small space, only few tables. Only one plug

- Coftale
            StradaProfesor Ștefan Mihăileanu, 42
Is considered one of the fewest coffee shops in Romania to treat coffee as an art. The local is an old beautiful villa!
Cappucino: 11 lei
Espresso: 7 lei
Pro: The beautiful place. Free water.
Contra: A bit far away, but it worth it!

- Dianei 4
            Strada Dianei, 4 (near metro Universitate / Piata Rosetti)
An abbandoned house with a charming ambient.
Cappucino: 9 lei
Espresso: 6 lei
Beer (500ml): 7 lei
Water: 7 lei
Pro: The terrace in spring/summer. The cultural events.
Contra: Is there any contra? ;)

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