I landed in Romania on 29th june 2013. I was excited, many new experiences and people was about to come to my life, but at the same time i was a bit scared, was my first time living abroad, and was going to be in a country with very bad reputation in all the world, specially in west Europe (spain...!!).
After 2 weeks in the city, is discovered that all the stereotypes where not right. Actually, only few (but really few!) stereotypes are right about Bucharest and Romania in general.
First of all, yes, Romania is a poor country. Romania didn't had the time to develop after Ceaucescu (if you don't now what or who Ceaucescu is, i order you to google it!) era. This time just finnished 20 years ago, and Romania have been almost always a poor country.
So, this is the first right stereotypes about romania. And is a very big topic.
But the people is HAPPY in Romania. They are "poor", they always have been poor, but they DON'T COMPLAIN ABOUT IT! This is the difference with Spain, for example. The economical situation in Spain is horrible, and the people is always complaing.. because we are not used to it. Romanians are used to live with a very little money, they would like to have more (of course!) but they are ok with that. They know someday the economical situation there will be much better.
Second, Bucharest.. what you will do there? Is there something to do?
Of course it is! The question is, what i can't do in Bucharest? (Ok, you can't go to the seaside! hehe)
This city have everything you need. Museums (not the bests in europe, right, but some of them are very interesting), parks, shopping areas, nice people, clubs, restaurants, bars, small-cute cafes, amazing architecture, magical libraries and wonderful terraces.
This city is alive, it change everyday. You can easily discover new places everyday, even if you're born in Bucharest or you spent 11 months here. There are too many places to visit!
I know Bucharest doesn't sound exciting for the foreigners. I know it because it wasn't for me, and wasn't for all the people who i met all around europe during this 11 months.
Everybody, really, EVERYBODY, said the same:
- But, there's full of gipsyes. Aren't you affraid?
- Wow, when you said Romania i felt bad for you... i'm sure you want to move to other place.
- There's party?
- Isn't a very ugly and destroyed city?
- What about the language? Someone speak english?
And they broke my heart every time. Really. People, try to be more open minded... Be brave and try to discover places where not 90% of europeans have been. You'll be very surprised!!
And if there's something more sad than a foreigner (who have never been in Romania) talking bad about the country... is hearing a romanian talking bad about the country.
I can understand is different to live in this country for some time, than to live forever. That happens everywhere. They really don't appreciate the beautiful things they have, and that's very sad.
Today i posted something on my facebook:
Am fost o săptămână și jumătate afara din București, și București, MI-E DOR!!
Grecia este foarte frumoasă, dar București este București, am o inima mea acolo!
În fiecare data oamenii mă întreabă unde locuiesc și eu spun "București", eu vad la fata din oameni cu frica... de ce? Eu întreb de ce acesta față, București este un oraș foarte "frumoș"*, la fel ca România.
România, București, te iubesc foarte mult!**Știu ce București nu este cel mai frumos oraș din lumea, dar este frumos și foarte special.
I've been a week and a half out of Bucharest, and Bucharest, I miss you!And then.. some romanians messaged me saying thank you. And some of them even said i open their eyes, and they will start to see the good side of Bucharest.. and nothing can make me happy to hear this.
Greece is very beautiful, but Bucharest is Bucharest, I have my heart there!
Every time people ask me where I live and I say "Bucharest", I see the fearon this face... why? I ask why that face, Bucharest is a very "nice"* city, like Romania.
Romania, Bucharest, I love you very much!
** I know Bucharest is not the most beautiful city in the world, but it is beautiful and very special.
I know, Romania have a lot to improve, to change... but, i love the way the things are moving!
I'm not romanian, but i'm very happy here, with the people and the city. I can't say (almost) bad words for Bucharest. Of course every city have a bad side... or do you think London, Paris or New York are only the touristic-nice side? The cities are much more than that, and i invite everybody to discover the real Romania. You'll be surprised, trust me.
*This is my opinion, and this is what i think about the country. I know many people will not be agree with me. And also many people will be completely agree with this...
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