jueves, 12 de junio de 2014 0 comentarios


There are many questions the students and people who is coming to Bucharest did to me, so I made this post to help to solve your doubts.

- How to arrive to the city from the airport?
There are two options. You can take a taxi or come by bus.
To take a taxi, just when you go to the arrival’s hall, you’ll see a machine to order the taxi. You have to keep the receipt that the machine will give to you and show it to you taxi (the driver will ask). Of course, get the cheap taxi, 1.39 lei/kms. To go to the city center is around 50 lei (around 10€). Never take a taxi without ordering it.
The bus. Much cheaper. Go outside (downstairs!) the arrival’s hall, and buy a ticket to the city (at this bus usually are controllers during the day!). The ticket to the city (2 ways) is 7 lei.
There are 2 buses. 738 and 780. The first one go through the center until Unirii square. The second one go to Gara de Nord (train station, not very recommendable area during the night). The trip to the center will take around 40 minutes.
The bus works 24 hours, so don't worry about the time you'll arrive!

- How I move around the city? How much cost the monthly pass for the metro?
The easiest way to move around in Bucharest is metro and bus! You can buy the pass card for only 50 lei, if you have a student card, will cost the half. Don’t forget to validate the card at the buses!
There are some other kind of metro pass, like the 64-trips card (20 lei). You should check which one is better for you.
Also, the taxi is very cheap here! But be careful and take the taxis which have written in the door 1.69 LEI/KM. Also, never accept the taxi if when you say the address where you want to go, the driver say you a fixed price. It’s a scam. Make sure always are using the taximeter!

- Cheap places to stay until I find my own flat?
If you’re student and your university have a residence, probably this is the cheapest option! Book the residence for the first month, then, when you arrive here, you’ll have one month to look for flat from the “commodity” of you residence. Usually they are very cheap!
Bucharest have a big offer in hostels, personally, I recommend this ones, “Wonderland Hostel” and “X Hostel” for the price and location!

- How to look for an apartment?
This is the BIG question. I suggest you to start to check this webpages. Anuntul and CautColeg. You can check also the Erasmus facebook group! Many owners and agencies publish there the apartments they have, and also other students are asking for flat mates, and some of them might have already the flat!
You should realize that in Romania, when we say that an apartment have 3 rooms, we are saying that have 2 bedrooms, and one living!! We count the living as one more room ;)
Be patient, and be ready to see many awful flats. But really, disgusting. The flats in Bucharest are quite old, and in the center is normal to find a flat built 60 years ago! Also, not many flats have been renewed, that means that many times they are now exactly how they have been built, even with the same furniture…!
The prices are very different according to the area where you’re looking for. If you look for an apartment 3 rooms (2 bedrooms, remember!!), in the center (piata Unirii, piata Universiate, piata Romana), is around 500€/month.
A studio (garsoniera, in romanian), in the same area will cost around 250€.

- How much cost the phone by month?
As in every country, the phone companies have many tariffs, but here is very cheap. The most used company in Romania are Vodafone and Orange.
For example, Vodafone have this tariff (the one I have).
9€/month. 3000 minutes and 3000 sms to Vodafone, 200 minutes for international/national (other companies), and 200 sms to other companies. Also, 300 MB.
Usually it’s enough for me.

You can buy the cards in the kiosks on the streets, also in some vending machines. 

I hope this post help some of you, if you have any question, you can ask in the comments!

See you,

Carles S.
viernes, 23 de mayo de 2014 0 comentarios

Bucharest/Romania, where my heart is!

It's almost 11 months since i came to Romania. Before coming to Romania, i was the first person in the world who didn't expect NOTHING there. Only gipsyes and bad people. A very poor country. And then... how wrong i was!

I landed in Romania on 29th june 2013. I was excited, many new experiences and people was about to come to my life, but at the same time i was a bit scared, was my first time living abroad, and was going to be in a country with very bad reputation in all the world, specially in west Europe (spain...!!).

After 2 weeks in the city, is discovered that all the stereotypes where not right. Actually, only few (but really few!) stereotypes are right about Bucharest and Romania in general.

First of all, yes, Romania is a poor country. Romania didn't had the time to develop after Ceaucescu (if you don't now what or who Ceaucescu is, i order you to google it!) era. This time just finnished 20 years ago, and Romania have been almost always a poor country. 
So, this is the first right stereotypes about romania. And is a very big topic.

But the people is HAPPY in Romania. They are "poor", they always have been poor, but they DON'T COMPLAIN ABOUT IT! This is the difference with Spain, for example. The economical situation in Spain is horrible, and the people is always complaing.. because we are not used to it. Romanians are used to live with a very little money, they would like to have more (of course!) but they are ok with that. They know someday the economical situation there will be much better.

Second, Bucharest.. what you will do there? Is there something to do? 
Of course it is! The question is, what i can't do in Bucharest? (Ok, you can't go to the seaside! hehe)
This city have everything you need. Museums (not the bests in europe, right, but some of them are very interesting), parks, shopping areas, nice people, clubs, restaurants, bars, small-cute cafes, amazing architecture, magical libraries and wonderful terraces. 
This city is alive, it change everyday. You can easily discover new places everyday, even if you're born in Bucharest or you spent 11 months here. There are too many places to visit!

I know Bucharest doesn't sound exciting for the foreigners. I know it because it wasn't for me, and wasn't for all the people who i met all around europe during this 11 months.
Everybody, really, EVERYBODY, said the same:
   - But, there's full of gipsyes. Aren't you affraid?
   - Wow, when you said Romania i felt bad for you... i'm sure you want to move to other place.
   - There's party? 
   - Isn't a very ugly and destroyed city?
   - What about the language? Someone speak english?

And they broke my heart every time. Really. People, try to be more open minded... Be brave and try to discover places where not 90% of europeans have been. You'll be very surprised!!

And if there's something more sad than a foreigner (who have never been in Romania) talking bad about the country... is hearing a romanian talking bad about the country.
I can understand is different to live in this country for some time, than to live forever. That happens everywhere. They really don't appreciate the beautiful things they have, and that's very sad.
Today i posted something on my facebook:
Am fost o săptămână și jumătate afara din București, și București, MI-E DOR!!
Grecia este foarte frumoasă, dar București este București, am o inima mea acolo!
În fiecare data oamenii mă întreabă unde locuiesc și eu spun "București", eu vad la fata din oameni cu frica... de ce? Eu întreb de ce acesta față, București este un oraș foarte "frumoș"*, la fel ca România.
România, București, te iubesc foarte mult!
**Știu ce București nu este cel mai frumos oraș din lumea, dar este frumos și foarte special.

I've been a week and a half out of Bucharest, and Bucharest, I miss you!
Greece is very beautiful, but Bucharest is Bucharest, I have my heart there!
Every time people ask me where I live and I say "Bucharest", I see the fearon this face... why? I ask why that face, Bucharest is a very "nice"* city, like Romania.
Romania, Bucharest, I love you very much!
** I know Bucharest is not the most beautiful city in the world, but it is beautiful and very special.
And then.. some romanians messaged me saying thank you. And some of them even said i open their eyes, and they will start to see the good side of Bucharest.. and nothing can make me happy to hear this. 

I know, Romania have a lot to improve, to change... but, i love the way the things are moving!
I'm not romanian, but i'm very happy here, with the people and the city. I can't say (almost) bad words for Bucharest. Of course every city have a bad side... or do you think London, Paris or New York are only the touristic-nice side? The cities are much more than that, and i invite everybody to discover the real Romania. You'll be surprised, trust me.

*This is my opinion, and this is what i think about the country. I know many people will not be agree with me. And also many people will be completely agree with this...
viernes, 21 de marzo de 2014 0 comentarios

Visita obligada (parte II) // Must-see places (part II)

Para celebrar que ya llevo almost 9 meses en Bucarest, hoy os traigo la segunda parte de lugares imprescindibles que visitar!
En esta ocasión os traigo tres restaurantes! Yo no soy mucho de comer fuera de casa, y si lo hago, suelo turar por el fast-food (KFC <3)


Carles S.


To celebrate that i've been almost 9 months in bucharest, today i show you the second part of the must-see places.
In this ocasion, i'll show you 3 restaurants.


Carles S.

- Club A:

              Strada Blanari
Yes, the famous Club A isn't only a club, is also a cheap restaurant!! Every time i go to eat out, Club A is one of my first options. Specialty in pizza and pasta.
Pizza from 13 lei (margherita)

- Burguer bar
            Strada Selari
Probably the best choice for a healty food. If you love hamburguers, you'll love this place. Differents kinds of meats, and very reasonable prices (from 15 lei). If you go, try the "wedges" fries!

-Caru' cu bere:
            Strada Stavropoleos, 5
Probably, the most famous restaurant in Romania. The restaurant it is housed in an 1875 building, and used to be a legendary beer hall. It's, with any doubts, a must-see place. 
The students menu for lunch is 11 lei.
lunes, 17 de febrero de 2014 0 comentarios

Visita obligada (parte I) // Must-see places (part I)

En Bucarest hay infinidad de locales escondidos que merecen una visita... el problema es encontrarlos!
Así que para facilitar las cosas a los recién llegados (o simplemente a aquellos que ya estén aquí y quieran conocer más lugares...), aquí os traigo una pequeña lista de lugares que vale la pena visitar.

Iré escribiendo más posts de este estilo, ya que hay muchísimos locales en Bucarest que merecen la pena.
Si conoceís algún local más, cuéntamelo!


Carles S.


In Bucharest there are many places which worth to visit... the problem is to find them (many of them are very small and hidden in the city!)
So, to make it easy to the new expats/foreigners, here you have a small list of places that you should visit, at least once ;)

I'll write more post about places to visit in Bucharest, also, if you know some place, let me know!


Carles S.

- Ted’s Coffee
            Strada Ion Campineanu, 10 (Near metro Universitate)
Espresso: 4.5 lei
Cappuccino: 5.5 lei
Pro: The local isn’t very big, but have enough tables. Free Wi-Fi and many plugs!
Probably the best value for money coffee of the city.
Contra: No food. Closed on weekends

- Origo
            Strada Lipscani, 9
Cappuccino: 9 lei
Pro: Many varieties of coffee. Free water. Free Wi-Fi.
Contra: Small space, only few tables. Only one plug

- Coftale
            StradaProfesor Ștefan Mihăileanu, 42
Is considered one of the fewest coffee shops in Romania to treat coffee as an art. The local is an old beautiful villa!
Cappucino: 11 lei
Espresso: 7 lei
Pro: The beautiful place. Free water.
Contra: A bit far away, but it worth it!

- Dianei 4
            Strada Dianei, 4 (near metro Universitate / Piata Rosetti)
An abbandoned house with a charming ambient.
Cappucino: 9 lei
Espresso: 6 lei
Beer (500ml): 7 lei
Water: 7 lei
Pro: The terrace in spring/summer. The cultural events.
Contra: Is there any contra? ;)

martes, 11 de febrero de 2014 0 comentarios



Rumanía cuenta con varias ciudades que merecen la pena ser visitadas, ya sean por su casco antiguo o por algún monumento que allí se encuentra.
Dado que moverse en Rumanía es un poco complicado al principio, he decidido recopilar aquí los destinos más famosos, y cómo llegar hasta allí, precio incluído.

Hay que tener en cuenta que las carreteras generalmente no están en muy buen estado, y que rumanía cuenta con muchas montañas, lo que hace las distancias aun más largas de lo que realmente son! El principal medio de transporte es el tren, aunque en rumanía el sistema ferroviario está muy anticuado y es muy lento, aunque conecta las principales ciudades. Por otra parte, tenemos el autobus, que llega hasta las aldeas más alejadas. Generalmente es más barato y más rápido que el tren, aunque no esperéis ahorrar mucho tiempo en comparación con el tren, porque como he mencionado anteriormente, el estado de las carreteras deja bastante que desear, además de la falta de autopistas.

El precio de los billetes de tren son con el IR (interegio), segunda clase (lo más económicos), pero también los más lentos.
El precio de los autobuses puede variar, ya que hay muchas compañías distintas que cubren las mismas rutas. Además, es posible obtener descuento de estudiante o de pensionista 

Espero que esta información sea útil a futuros erasmus, EVS, o simplemente a viajeros que quieran planear su ruta antes de llegar aquí.

NOTA: Hay que tener en cuenta que estos precios están sacados a febrero del 2014 y pueden variar con el tiempo.

Se puede consultar el precio de los trenes aquí
Y el de los autobuses aquí (es la compañía que he usado yo, pero hay más)


Carles S.


Romania has several cities that are worth being visited.
Since moving in Romania is a bit confusing at the beggining, I decided to gather here the most famous destinations and how to get there, price included.

Keep in mind that the roads are generally not in very good condition, and that Romania has many mountains, making the even longer distances than they really are!
The main means of transport is the train, though the railway system in Romania is very outdated and very slow, but connecting the major cities. Moreover, we have the bus, which cover all the coutry, also the most remote villages. Generally it is cheaper and faster than the train, but you don't expect to save much time compared to the train, because as I mentioned earlier, the state of the roads is bad, and also the lack of highways...

The price of train tickets are for the IR (interegio) , second class (cheapest one), but also the slowest.
The price of the bus may vary, as there are many different companies that cover the same routes. Also, you may get student discount.

I hope this information is helpful to future erasmus, EVS, or just travelers who want to plan the route before arriving here .

NOTE: Keep in mind that these prices are taken as of February 2014 and will vary over time.

You can check the price of the trains here 
And the buses here (is the company that I've used but there's more)

See you soon,

Carles S.

- Bucuresti - Brasov
                - 1 way: 50.5 lei
                - 2 ways: 87.7 lei
                - Time: 02:30/02:40 h
             Bus: 43 lei one way

- Bucuresti - Sinaia
- 1 way: 41 lei
                - 2 ways: 70.6 lei
                - Time: 1:40
Bus: 33 lei one way

- Sinaia - Brasov
                - 1 way: 17.5 lei
                - 2 ways: 28.3
                - Time: 1h
Bus: 11 lei one way

- Bucuresti - Sighisoara
                - 1 way: 69 lei
                - 2 ways: 121 lei
                - Time: 5h
                Bus: 66 lei one way

- Bucuresti - Cluj-Napoca
                - 1 way: 111.5 lei
                - Time: 10h

- Bucuresti - Constanta
                - 1 way: 62 lei
                - 2 ways: 108.4 lei

                - Time: 3h
domingo, 2 de febrero de 2014 0 comentarios

Y pasaron 7 meses... // Have been 7 months


Antes de empezar esta “aventura” pensaba que mi tiempo en Bucarest se me haría eterno, que 12 meses se sentirían como varios años…
Y no podía estar más equivocado, tras 7 meses aquí, me he dado cuenta que el tiempo vuela, se me escapa entre los dedos.
Han pasado ya 7 meses, y me quedan tantas cosas por hacer, tantos lugares por descubrir y tantas personas que disfrutar… Parece que fue ayer mismo cuando llegué aquí con la maleta cargada de nervios e ilusiones a la par.
Siempre pensé que sería difícil adaptarse a un lugar nuevo,  que esta ciudad me trataría como a un extraño, un visitante más, pero lo cierto es que siento que aquí está mi hogar.

Jamás había crecido, conocido, aprendido, viajado y/o experimentado tanto en tan poco tiempo, y eso (y más) es lo que Rumanía me aporta día a día.

Predeal (Photo from Martina Grassi, EVS volunteer in Arad)
My flatmate Ekrem on the first snow of our EVS :D
And thats me and my sgtrange ginger hair in Sinaia!



Before starting this adventure i used to think that my time in Bucharest would be eternal, that would feel 12 months like some years.
And I couldn’t be more wrong! After 7 months here, I realized that the time flies, it slips through my fingers.
It’s been 7 months since I came here, and I still have too many things to do, places to discover and people to enjoy… It seems like was yesterday when I came here with my luggage full of dreams.
I always thought that it will be difficult to adapt to a new place, this city would treat me like a stranger, one more visitor, but the truth is I feel this city like my home.

I never grew up, learnt, travelled and/or experienced much in such a small time, this (and more) is what Romania give me day by day.
Carles Solanes Solanes. Con la tecnología de Blogger.